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The Future Workforce: How Leaders Can Make or Break a Company
Russel used to be the Vice President of a renowned banking and financial services company in the Greater Chicago area. When the pandemic hit the markets hard in March 2020, Russel’s firm faced challenges in transitioning to remote work...
Is Lying on a Resume Ever Okay?
A job is a relationship between an employer and an employee. There is a certain level of trust each party has to instill in the other for it to work. Like any other relationship, those that start with dishonesty...
What is Talent Development?
Talent development is many things to many organizations. To some, talent development is a process or program used to bring the best out of employees. To others, it is an overall strategy used to guide hiring, training, and retention...
The 12 Best Free Machine Learning Software Tools
Finding the best machine learning tools can be an overwhelming endeavor. It is such a vast, new, and ever-evolving field, that developers find themselves spending as much time studying the software options as they spend studying the technology itself....
Navigating Difficult Conversations at Work: The 6 Cs to Talk Your Way into Them
Conflicts at work are inevitable, whether you are a leader, manager, or employee. These challenges can also be constructive and nurturing when handled in the right way. Sometimes an open conversation is all it takes to bring the underlying...