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The Tech Trends Defining Work in 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic we’ve all endured over the last few years has upended almost all aspects of our social lives and has perhaps permanently altered how we gather with friends and family, educate our children, and celebrate life’s milestones....
Conquer Communication Anxiety At Work
How many of us dread that upcoming presentation for work, knowing we’ll be judged on everything we say and do? Who is actually thrilled to have to deliver that wedding toast in front of hundreds of guests? Let’s face...
Working From Home With Kids: A Fine Balance
(The following article is a guest post by contributor Mehak Chopra) So, there I was, my toddler son playing under my desk with an old cheerio that he found, unwilling to go to his playpen. I fenced him in...
Why It’s Necessary To Eliminate “Otherness”
Each day, the dread in the pit of Angela’s stomach started to get a little worse as she prepared to go to work. As a recent graduate, Angela, a user experience designer, was the newest hire at a medical...
What Are NFTs and Why Do They Matter?
Baseball cards. Paintings. Human hair. Plants. Cookie Jars. Dolls. Sculptures. If you’ve ever noticed, people collect many different types of items. Some of the things people collect are incredibly valuable. Others…not so much. And not only do humans collect...