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Combat creative exhaustion with these brainstorming tips
Brainstorming as an idea generation concept has been around since the early 1950s as modern marketing grew into its golden age in America. In fact, at an advertising agency called Batten, Barton, Durstine, and Osborn. Inc., executive Alex Osborn...
Leaders, Encourage Your Employees To Disconnect
The odds are pretty dead even that if you’re reading this, you are burned out and disengaged from your job. According to a recent study by Indeed, more than half (52%) of all respondents are feeling burned out, and...
Thriving Through the Next Revolution: Industry 4.0
It seems easy to overstate. Another Industrial Revolution. Scientists, researchers, economists, and CEOs have been telling us it’s unfolding and it’s different and it’s unlike anything humankind has ever experienced before. Leaders anticipate the Fourth Industrial Revolution to...
Do You Want to Achieve Big? Start Thinking Small
“Man is what he believes” – Anton Chekhov Does your career feel like a runaway train sometimes? You might feel as though sometimes you’re in control and you know where you’re heading, but massive disruptions, especially within the last...
Get Your Focus Back: Using Attention Management to Improve Productivity
Doree Morales couldn’t seem to crack the code. As a newly hired software developer, she hasn’t been able to keep up with her daily responsibilities, much less ever get ahead or brainstorm solutions to larger software issues. It seemed...