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Top 3 Trends Driving HR Strategy in 2023
To all the hiring managers and HR professionals out there… we see you. It’s been a rough few years. And if your organization is in a better position now than it was in early 2020, you are largely to...
Adapt or Fail: Evolving Leadership in a Hybrid World
There’s no denying it. The long-term success of any organization depends on its ability to adapt to new norms and shifting paradigms. If we have learned anything since 2019, it’s that even the longest-standing traditions and expectations can change...
Hottest Onboarding Trends That Will Shape 2023
One of the biggest challenges businesses faced in 2022 was finding and keeping skilled workers to fill necessary positions. And, unfortunately, this trend is likely to extend into 2023 and beyond, according to over 1,300 C-suite executives surveyed in...
The Behind-the-Scenes Genius of Ambient Computing
In 1991, Mark Weiser, then head of Xerox’s PARC computer science laboratory, wrote an article in Scientific American about what he called “ubiquitous computing.” He was describing a technology whereby computers fade into the background of our awareness while...
Building Responsible AI for 2023 and Beyond
In 1950, Alan Turing released a paper, Computing Machinery and Intelligence, in which he asked a simple question – “Can machines think?” Turing was conceptualizing computers that could learn and exhibit intelligence – Artificial Intelligence (AI) – though that...