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Why You Should Attend Tech Conferences in 2024
The Global events industry is poised to reach $2.1 Trillion USD by 2032, highlighting the enduring significance of conferences in professional realms. In 2024, business leaders and recruiters may find themselves overwhelmed with the endless choices of networking events....
Quantify Your Tech Resume and Highlight Your Impact
You hear it all the time: Quantify your resume. But is it really that important? And how do you incorporate metrics into your resume when your past experiences aren’t inherently quantifiable? Quantifying your resume gives hiring managers a concrete...
Attaining Career Durability Through a Diverse Tech Portfolio
In the face of economic uncertainty, tech professionals are looking for new ways to attain job security, and an increasingly popular method is through technical contract work. According to McKinsey’s 2022 American Opportunity Survey (AOS), 36 percent of employed...
Is Storytelling the Secret to a Successful Job Hunt?
Whether you’re fresh out of college, or a seasoned industry vet, many of us enter the job search process without a game plan. A four-page resume isn’t the answer. Nor is a rambling video interview describing every detail of...
Job Hunting During the Holidays: Advice From a Recruiter
Holidays are a great time to rest, relax, and take a break from work… with a caveat for job seekers. We’re a staffing firm and we don’t recommend shutting down your efforts completely. The holidays, for many recruiters, are...