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DevOps Decoded: Unleash the Power of Collaboration
There’s no end in sight: Just as your newest application finally launches, your first piece of feedback comes in! …It’s a bug report. Before you can even read it, you’re pinged by several of your developers who want to...
Living on the Edge: How Edge Computing is Already a Game Changer
“The key benefit of edge computing is the ability of devices to compute, process, and analyze data with the same level of quality as data analyzed in the cloud, but without latency.” — Dr. Shafiq Rab, Senior Vice President...
Digital Twins + AI: Building Blocks for a Digital Reality
From The Matrix to Neal Stephenson’s novel Snowcrash, Ready Player One to cyberspace (like William Gibson’s Neuromancer), our fiction is full of persistent, digital versions of reality. Dubbed a dozen different things with varying criteria, the latest flavor of...
Plugging Into the Future: Web3 and NFT
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” —Charles Darwin Anyone who has tried to implement change that impacts other people understands that change, and thus inherently, adaptation,...
How To Own the Next Era Of Growth: Setting Your Company Up for Success
There is no denying that sustained company growth remains a top priority for execs in the C-suite. But for many organizations, that’s often easier said than done. Company growth can be challenging because leadership often limits the exploration of...