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Do You Want to Achieve Big? Start Thinking Small
“Man is what he believes” – Anton Chekhov Does your career feel like a runaway train sometimes? You might feel as though sometimes you’re in control and you know where you’re heading, but massive disruptions, especially within the last...
Get Your Focus Back: Using Attention Management to Improve Productivity
Doree Morales couldn’t seem to crack the code. As a newly hired software developer, she hasn’t been able to keep up with her daily responsibilities, much less ever get ahead or brainstorm solutions to larger software issues. It seemed...
Your Company Needs an Efficient Data Strategy, ASAP
95,000 Instagram Stories shared. In just 1 minute. 197.6 million emails sent. In just 1 minute. 500 hours of new content uploaded to YouTube. In just 1 minute. We can become so desensitized to the staggering amounts of...
What’s your EQ? Considering the impact of emotional intelligence at work
For many of us, displaying and sharing our emotions comes naturally. We show and manage our emotions in many facets of our lives, with family, with friends, and sometimes even at work. But the pandemic, and the ensuing Great...
Why Setting Career Goals Will Set You Up for Success
(Listen to this article) Your browser does not support audio. When preparing for a job interview, there are those familiar questions we come to expect: What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Why do you want this job?...